Do you know someone who loves to show off their passion for bacon on their clothing? Maybe you love to show off your love for bacon?
Well, here is a list of some awesome shirts that any bacon lover would love!
1. Ex...tra Bacon Please

We all know that exercise isn't as good as eating bacon!
2. I Wish for more bacon!!

I think If I had three wishes, I would ask for infinity bacon! Yum!
3. Grab My Lab Coat.. We are Cooking Bacon Tonight!

Any Science lovers out there? I'm pretty sure that bacon should be its own element on the periodic table!
4. CLEAR! The Table for More Bacon

I think we can all be in agreements that Bacon makes our heart stop...In a good way! It's that good!!!
5. For Bacon Lovers

We have to remember that pigs are a gift from the heavens above! Show your appreciation by wearing this!
Don't just get one of these! Why not buy all of them! This is where you can! www.Thirtyfivewest.com
Give these shirts as gifts to your loved ones or snatch one for yourself! There is never a wrong place to wear one of these shirts! Who doesn't like a great bacon shirt!

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